Spread A Little Sunshine
Research on the brain has shown that emotion plays a key role in learning, but how can we as educators apply that research in our day-to-day interactions with students? Are we using emotions to help students learn? What are some teaching strategies that take advantage of what we know about the brain? When I was a kid I was not rich. Nope. I grew up in Western Nebraska for some time, in a trailer park. We didn't have a lot of stuff. I had my favorite shirt, my favorite shoes, and yes, my favorite bow-tie. I didn't need much. I didn't bore easily. Grandma gave me crayons. The story I was told was we were so poor Mom couldn't afford paper. I didn't care. I colored on all of the trailers in the park. Was I the first graffiti artist in McCook? Just some crayons, and some encouragement, praise, and I was happy coloring on walls. The encouragement struck a match of joy in my soul. Some forty years later, I wonder, did the praise, gratitude, and joy ...